Tommy - Greyhound - Peace of Mind
Case Studies

Tommy's Story

November 20, 2019

‘I remember getting the call from the Greyhound Adoption Program. I felt like it had been ages since I submitted my adoption application, I was stunned to actually be hearing from them. The next thing I knew, I was driving all the way to Shepparton to meet a dog I knew nothing about. I remember … Continue reading "Tommy's Story"

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Cookie - Peace of Mind
Case Studies

Cookie's Story

November 6, 2019

I’ve been a pet parent for much longer than I’ve been a vet. All my life - I can’t remember a time that pets weren’t a part of our family. I can vividly recall what it’s like being on the other side of the consulting table, I remember being there with Cookie.     It … Continue reading "Cookie's Story"

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